showing 2 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsdescription
Risk of Rain Chucklefish (Hopoo Games;Code Mystics)2016 abilitycooldown adv-objects adv-static aimdirlimit blankprotagonist blindacquisitions bossbattles bossmeter chargedattack charging classbased colossi consistentdamage containers criticalchance crowdfunded damageinfo damageovertime demo difficulty difficulty-time dodging encounters-popup endlessopposition enemyhealthdisplay extraterrestrial falldamage firearms flatterrain flyingjellyfish gamemaker giantcrustaceans gianthumanoids giantmonsters giants giantworms healthdrops healthpickups healthregen humblestore humblewidget indie invincibilityframes isolatedlocale itempickup-attract itempickup-auto jumping jumppads knockback ladders leveluprestoration limitlessenergy mapgenerator midairjumping monsters mp-cooperative mp-crossplatform mycoids openal overheal overpenetration paidkilling passivebonanza permadeath persistentprogression pixeldoubling playerstats powerups prematurechallenge psstore randommaps runandgun sauroids score sdl shopping skeletonkey stranded stunning teleport tooltips toxins undefinedelements unknownpast unlimitedammo unlockable-characters unlockable-classes unlockable-items upgradesystem vorbis walking waterfalls xp-drops xp-kills xp-objects Risk of Rain is an action platformer with roguelike elements. With permanent death as a primary feature, players will have to play their best to get as far as possible. Fight on a mysterious planet with randomly spawning enemies and bosses, either alone or with 3 friends in online co-op. labelimagesubject
Undertale Toby Fox2017 2010s 4thwallbroken amalgams anthropomorphicobjects antisavescumming antivillain bookends bossrush caprinoids childprotagonist combatmode communicator crowdfunded demo diaries earth eldritchabominations encountermode facelessprotagonist falseending fantasticearth gamemaker gameplayinn genderneutral ghosts gog homosexuals humansuperiority hybridgame jokeboss karma lesbians mercy monsters moralchoices multipleendings neutralmonsters no4thwall npcuiinteraction obscuredprotagonistdialog pacifism plantcreatures pointofnoreturn prejudice premadeprotagonist protagonistnaming recurringopponent secondaryantagonist shopping soularts souls steampowered undefinedelements uniqueprotagonist unknownpast unnecessarykilling virtualglitching labelminimizeminimize